Posted on May 06 2020

Everyone who loves the game of Golf is awaiting the latest information being broadcast this Sunday on when or if the great game will return soon
If so Play Safe, Stay Safe will be the clear message
On that basis restarting the game will be a challenge
Restricted to 2 balls only
15/20 min gaps between Tee Times
9 holes only
One person only in Pro Shop or Reception Area
Contactless Payment only
No Clubhouse or Catering Facilities
The above are just a few on a long list of potential problems that Golf Clubs will have to overcome and find the safest solutions
If so Play Safe, Stay Safe will be the clear message
On that basis restarting the game will be a challenge
Restricted to 2 balls only
15/20 min gaps between Tee Times
9 holes only
One person only in Pro Shop or Reception Area
Contactless Payment only
No Clubhouse or Catering Facilities
The above are just a few on a long list of potential problems that Golf Clubs will have to overcome and find the safest solutions